FIVE FOR FIGHTING – Best season-opening efforts on the local boys hardwood
1 Ahkemji Williams (RH Adams) – Went all AHKEMJI per usual in the Highlanders 81-76 win over AH Avondale to the tune of 25 points, six rebounds, five assists and four steals..YEAH, SO THAT JUST HAPPENED
2 David Lett (North Farmington) – Looked like the second coming of Charles Barkley in the Raiders' 40-35 victory on the road at River Rouge, totaling a gutty double-double of 18 points and 12 boards
3 Jake Daniels (Holly) – Put up a super slick outing of 27 points in TEAM BAYLIS' bludgeoning of Flint Kearsley....kid's got some sick game....THERA-FLU anyone?
4 Justin Nafso (WL Central) – Pumped in 21 points to go along with five assists and five steals in the Vikings upending of Novi...Think Brandon Jennings!
5 Chris Barton (AH Avondale) – Tallied a season-opening best 29 points in the 'Jackets narrow loss to Adams....and looked MAD NICE doing it
Brandon Nafso is no longer with WLC: he graduated last season. It is his brother, Justin Nafso!