Blogs > Burney's Bytes

Burney's Bytes will focus primarily on the local preps sports scene, but will also touch on some college and pro athletics, mostly in regards to athletes who hail and have played high school sports in Oakland County. My goal for the blog is to be conversational and anecdotal, a more relaxed and free formal take on high school athletics than you see in regular game day coverage.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
The post-Alex Malzone begins at Birmingham Brother Rice in just a couple of weeks. A few names to look out for anchoring the transition:
Luke Cappetto (QB-WR) – Rich Rice bloodline, showed flashes of brilliance in spot duty last year, diverse skill-set, determined and dogged in attitude and performance
Carter Dunaway (TE-DE) – Michigan-bound already, equally-rich Rice bloodline, brings the noise in everything he does, Swagger Level that has already exceeded Lethal Marks, I'm talking 25 HUNDRED THOUSAND TRILLION levels……caution WarriorsNation, caution!!
Jeff Timko (S) – Sir-Grind-A-Lot Special in the secondary, the tiger will totally be out of the cage this fall...can you say ready to erupt aka show out aka get crazy busy!!
Ryan McWood & Riley Maher (LB) – "Heart&Soul-types," intelligent, agile and aggressive sideline-to-sideline, leaders, wall-to-wall winners, masters at their craft
Liam Lynch (WR-DB) – Ready to Rip It and Grip It in a feature role in '15, has the talent to be the type that is ALWAYS as cool as the other side of the pillow and ALWAYS ready to rock-and-roll in crunch time
Sterling McCarrall (DL-OL) – A BOSS&A HOSS at the point of attack, He'll be the Belly of the Orange&Black Beast these next two seasons
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