Blogs > Burney's Bytes

Burney's Bytes will focus primarily on the local preps sports scene, but will also touch on some college and pro athletics, mostly in regards to athletes who hail and have played high school sports in Oakland County. My goal for the blog is to be conversational and anecdotal, a more relaxed and free formal take on high school athletics than you see in regular game day coverage.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
OC TOP 10 - WEEK 7
1 Birmingham Brother Rice – Warriors senior linebacker Jack Grisan has officially reached SWAGGER LEVEL FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND TRILLION!!... That's an ORANGE&BLACK GUARANTEE!!!
2 Southfield – Senior Davonte Alfred is playing some of the best ball at the wide receiver spot in the state….the 'Jays 6-foot-5 snazzy pass-catch specialist is the definition of a deep-threat as well as a terror in the red zone running the fade route.
3 Clarkston – Break out the THERAFLU….Wolves junior field general, D.J. Zezula has been STRAIGHT SICKNESS under center calling signals and picking apart defenses this year (zero interceptions, yes that's correct, you are not misreading that stat)…..Expect more of the same to come in the future
4 Novi Detroit CC – Only a few ticks of the clock away from being the No. 1 team on the gridiron in the OC (thanks a lot Brother Rice split end Patrick Sparks!!)…..Yeah, TEAM MACH is that imposing this fall!! (Should probably be a little higher in the rankings as is)
5 WL Western – Let's just start calling junior safety John Witkowski "The Hit Doctor", serving up mass prescriptions of pain across the KLAA for two seasons strong and counting!!
6 (tie) Stoney Creek – I love seeing Cougars jitterbug tailback Nick Rangos going all NICK RANGOS on the comp toting the rock…PURE PRIDE&PASSION, per standard operating procedure in ZUBELAND these days!!
6 (tie) Oak Park – That Knights defense this year is buzzing around and thrashing anything in its ways….TEAM CARTER'S 'D' is hungry, hard-hitting and always READY 4 WAR!!!
7 Lake Orion – Dragons' senior Chris Leigh is Legen…..WAIT FOR IT….DARY whenever he's got the ball in his hands….MARK THAT DOWN!!
8 FH Harrison – The Green Machine is mighty, mighty MEAN, LEAN AND PICKING UP STEAM…watch out D2….I wouldn't want to run into this club come tourney time, would you?
9 (tie) Birmingham Groves – FACT: Ross Williams wouldn't be having the season he's having (already eclipsing the 1,000 yard mark and garnering an Akron offer this weekend) and the Falcons wouldn't be having the season their having (perfect 6-0) without what senior fullback-linebacker Bryce Anderson has been doing…SIMPLY SMASHING and STOMPING his opponents on offense and defense!!
9 (tie) Birmingham Seaholm – TEAM DEWALD'S crew of offensive studs (Maples "O" ROLL CALL Brandon Altman, Aaron Ware, Kerry Mott, Nick Vestivich, Jack Mentag and Austin Paritee, man is that arsenal is locked and loaded or what?
10 MH Madison – Drake Wilkins could be the most underrated coach in all of Metro Detroit….This guy's at the top of his profession as a tactician and master motivator on the sidelines
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