Blogs > Burney's Bytes

Burney's Bytes will focus primarily on the local preps sports scene, but will also touch on some college and pro athletics, mostly in regards to athletes who hail and have played high school sports in Oakland County. My goal for the blog is to be conversational and anecdotal, a more relaxed and free formal take on high school athletics than you see in regular game day coverage.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Local prep sports fans should be giving thanks right now for the privilege of getting to see Birmingham Brother Rice's Matt Ruppenthal and Lake Orion's Brad Schaenzer, a pair of first-class All-American hurlers on the baseball diamond, throw bullets for the last four years.
Gentlemen, it was an honor.
These two are rare specimens at their craft. That's why they'll probably be drafted into the pros next month and will be throwing in the super competitive SEC next spring, with Ruppenthal heading to Vandy and Schaenzer bound for Kentucky.
The perfect ending would have been in East Lansing in a couple weeks. But they're careers on the mound in high school were quite perfect in their own right. Some of the best pitching the OC has witnessed in some time.
See ya, fellas.
It was great while it lasted, boys, that's for sure!!
You both will be missed greatly....and as Burney likes to say.....THAT'S A FACT!!
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