Blogs > Burney's Bytes

Burney's Bytes will focus primarily on the local preps sports scene, but will also touch on some college and pro athletics, mostly in regards to athletes who hail and have played high school sports in Oakland County. My goal for the blog is to be conversational and anecdotal, a more relaxed and free formal take on high school athletics than you see in regular game day coverage.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
OC Top 10 – Baseball
1 Pat MacKenzie IF SR Brother Rice
About as natural as a hitter as they come
2 Korey Hall OF SR OL St. Marys
The definition of the terminology, "Five Tool Player"
3 Nick Druzinski IF SR RH Adams
Best power hitter in the area
4 Joel Fisher C SR Farmington
A dominating player from behind the plate calling pitches and at the plate blasting them into orbit
5 a. Mike Mestdagh P/OF JR Groves
Top junior in the county part 1
5 b. Greg Fettes C/P JR MH Lamphere
Top junior in the county part 2
6 Devan Ahart OF/P SR OL St. Mary's
First team all-state last season and a threat all over the field
7 a. Jake Paulson P SR WL Central
Lanky twirler who throws hard
7 b. Dan Owenby OF SR Notre Dame Prep
An RBI machine dressed in green and gold
8 Jake Davis P SR Stoney Creek
Pure power from the rubber who collects strikeouts like Jim Leyland smokes cigarettes
9 Phil Serzo OF SR Lake Orion
Dangerous hitter in the 3-hole for coach Andy Schramke's fire-breathing Dragons –Vinnie Booker would be here also If he wasn't probably out for the year with a shattered orbital bone
10 a. Kyle Cassadei IF SR RH Adams
Outside of Mackenzie at Rice, Cassadei has the best eye and swing in the box around
10 b. Jimmy Pickens C JR Brother Rice
The terms natural athlete and consummate competitor don't do this workhorse justice
10 c. Bobby Pardun P/INF SR Troy
Whether pitching or hitting, he will hurt the competition
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