Blogs > Burney's Bytes

Burney's Bytes will focus primarily on the local preps sports scene, but will also touch on some college and pro athletics, mostly in regards to athletes who hail and have played high school sports in Oakland County. My goal for the blog is to be conversational and anecdotal, a more relaxed and free formal take on high school athletics than you see in regular game day coverage.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Some names to watch out down at Comerica Park Thursday afternoon for in the ALL-OC Catholic League baseball finals
John Garry (Birmingham Brother Rice) – WARRIORNATION'S G-Funk Era is about to RIP IT&GRIP IT with a clutch effort….Burney can feel it!!
Sammy Stevens (Birmingham Brother Rice) – Set to officially reach SWAGGER LEVEL FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND TRILLION while manning his post behind the plate at the COPA...GUARANTEED!!
Julian Jones (OL St. Mary's) – "The Jet" will be in FIGHTER-PILOT MODE…..Take it 2 tha Bank!!
Nate Grys (MH Bishop Foley) – Calling my shot; Nate the GREAT will go YARD!!!
Cameron Horwath (MH Bishop Foley) – Calling my shot: "The Glove" will make a spectacular play in the field...….Can you say WEB GEM? This kid is going to major in WEBOLOGY in college in a couple of years!!
Aiden Cullen (Pontiac NDP) – AC is the definition of a CLOSER on the diamond and off…..MARK THAT DOWN!!
Luke Schilling (Pontiac NDP) – Cool as the other side of my pillow…'NUFF SAID!!!
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